2 Quotes & Sayings By Ron Davies

Ron Davies is a writer, musician and film-maker. He was born in London in 1949 and grew up in a large family home in Surrey. He studied at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was given a BA degree in history and anthropology, and later studied philosophy at Exeter College, Oxford. He worked as a researcher for the BBC from 1973 to 1980 Read more

He has been a full-time writer since 1980, with his first novel, The Sun People (1982), published in the USA by Gollancz. His subsequent novels include The Life of Riley (1984), The Man Who Was Thursday (1988), The Warrion Affair (1994), A Life of Merit (1998), The Lighthouse (2000), Blood Relations (2002) and The Standing Order (2005). His field is the history of the British Isles in the 11th Century when political intrigue was played out against an apocalyptic backdrop.